Sunday, December 10, 2006

2+2 = 7596238

How is 2+2 = 7596238?Actually, this is one of the masterpieces of Glasbergen and one of my favorities too. The caption in this particular toon reads: "In an increasingly complex world, sometimes old questions require new answers".

Most of the times, we assume standard answers to questions. In reality, there are always multiple solutions to a problem. Its all about your perception; how you look at a problem. Every perception / paradigm gives you a different and unique answer. Rock on.

Our mind - the perpetual thinking machine - helps us collate, integrate, fuse, differentiate, slice, multiply the ideas. It is our greatest resource that helps to realise the sublime knowledge within.

Ideas, notions, concepts, creative intellect, memories share one very interesting thing - they can be unified to create something even more stimulating. Juxtaposition leading to evolution. Just place them together and see things in a different light. A new paradigm. A new perspective.

Woaw! what was that all about?

Well, nothing specific as such. Hadn't written much about anything in the past few days. Thought of scribbling down something I believe in. Nothing else.

Life's hectic as always.

Still manage to surf to pump up my creative hormones (Rock on Hugh!); a dash of wiki and help me understand things better.,, etc daily update me about the latest trends in Brand, ad and media world. Peps me up.

Other than that, its my rare but fruitful visit to that helps me write about stuff I like. (Yeah!)

Life's resonating with positive vibes. And I am here to experience it, real-time. Ciao.

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